Povodom obilježavanja Međunarodnog dana antikorupcije (9. 12.) u srijedu 15. 12. u 19 sati u organizaciji American Cornera Rijeka održat će se virtualno predavanje na temu borbe protiv korupcije.

Predavačica je Karyn Kenny, diplomatkinja Veleposlanstva SAD-a u Zagrebu, a prijenos će se održavati na FB live-u AC Rijeka i ostalim FB stranicama američkih kutaka HR.

Predavanje se odvija povodom Međunarodnog dana antikorupcije 9. 12. kojim se slavi i naglašavaju prava i odgovornosti svih od država i vlada do pojedinaca i mladih u borbi protiv korupcije, a najviše će se govoriti o problemima koje korupcija društvu uzrokuje. 

Karyn Kenny serves as the attaché at the US Embassy Croatia for the US Department of Justice’s Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development Assistance and Training for South East Europe regional justice sector initiative, overseeing the anti money laundering, asset forfeiture, anti corruption and transnational organized crime portfolios. Previously, she served as the attorney advisor for general counterterrorism programs and served as the resident legal advisor for two US embassies. Karyn is the recipient of the US Department of State’s meritorious Honor Award for creating the US Bangladesh bilateral banking sector dialogue. In 2020, she designed and taught the first webinar for the US federal prosecutors, analysts and investigators at the Department of Justice national Advocacy Center and launched the first public private FinTech Partnership Dialogue.