
Library News

Rijeka City Library at Google Street View: Take a virtual walk through library branches in local neighborhoods

Za sve koji žele prošetati našim ograncima i onda kada fizički ne mogu doći pripremili smo prave Google Street View virtualne šetnje. / Više

Spectacular photos: old industrial district in Rijeka is becoming new library and cultural centre for kids

At the end of chaotic and unusual year 2020 we end it in optimistic tone - a look at the emerging future. Future of the library and reading culture in Rijeka is in the future art district "Ben... / Više

Innovative project: Cleaning of books with special machine in Rijeka City Library

Given that the issue of safety of our users and the community as a whole is one of our basic settings, we decided to take a new step - we equipped the library with a special device for sterilizing... / Više

Green future: library presented new website for youth dedicated to sustainable development

As part of the project New Rules of the Game and working in the field of development "green" media in Rijeka City Library we created -, unique web which is part of libra... / Više

Rijeka City Library published new edition of Brickzine, magazine for kids about culture and art

This is the largest Brickzine so far in terms of number of pages (80), and thus creative collaborators - 15 illustrators made original contributions creating a unique catalog of recent Croatian ill... / Više

Mobile app for e-books on Croatian language available to members of Rijeka City Library

The Croatian e-book market in the Croatian language is very modest, and although most citizens prefer printed titles, it is very important that the legal and professional availability of e-books is... / Više