Rasadnik is a place for individual ideas, stories, ideas about sustainable development. Many are confused by this strange formulation of "sustainable development". What is that? Sounds even boring. It is just important for us to understand that this is a set of ideas according to which it is important to take care of how our life, jobs, entertainment, all consumer needs affect the environment, nature, ecology, climate and actually the quality of life. 

If you have any questions about our work and projects you can contact us at e-mail marketing@gkri.hr.

Newspapers, televisions, portals, social networks… Everything is full of information, but are these really stories that show us good “green” topics? Do they present them well? Is the data true? How should we actually talk about “green” topics? Lots of questions… Rasadnik wants to influence and create this new, sustainable and “green” journalism that changes people in a better way.

Rasadnik is a story primarily for the new, young, fresh. Of course everyone can find their piece of ideas and knowledge in it. The FYI domain extension is a popular saying “for your information”. It's no created by accident.

Visit us at rasadnik.fyi.

Aktivnost je dio projekta „Nova pravila igre“ kojeg su osmislili, i zajedno ga provode, Udruga za razvoj civilnog društva “SMART”, kao nositelj, i partnerske organizacije Udruga Delta, Centar za kulturu dijaloga, Društvo „Naša djeca“ grada Gospića, Gradska knjižnica Rijeka, Srednja škola Ambroza Haračića, Osnovna škola Nikola Tesla i Grad Rijeka, a sredstava su osigurana u okviru Švicarsko-hrvatskog programa suradnje kroz natječaj Osnaživanje doprinosa organizacija civilnog društva obrazovanju za održivi razvoj za unaprjeđenje ekonomske i socijalne kohezije. Projekt je usmjeren razvoju novih pristupa učenju, podučavanju i promociji održivog razvoja te aktivnog sudjelovanja djece i mladih utemeljenih na partnerstvu organizacija civilnog društva, škola i lokalne zajednice.