In 2013we entered a new cooperation with European partners. The LoCloud project is co-financed as a part of the European Commission CIP ICT-PSP program with coordination provided by Riksarkivet (The National Archives of Norway). The project is managed by MDR Partners (Consulting) Ltd. UK, with partners coming from 32 institutions from 26 countries (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Turkey, UK).

Our role in the LoCloud project involves taking part in testing micro-services that are to be developed over our digital content and providing metadata for the digitized content. We will also be involved in implementing and disseminating outcomes of the LoCloud project in countries not included in the project (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, FYRO Macedonia).